Friday, October 12, 2012

My facebook posts from yesterday LOL

That should give a good idea of things going on :-)

 Went on a field trip with Rylans classroom to raptor farms they grow food for the food kitchen then we checked out the food bank and then off to riverside park for lunch and to play for a while :-)

The next time my birthday falls on 10-11-12 I will be long gone and my grand kids will be old too ... I know weird thought LOL ...

 Oh and I am so so very glad my Mindi Wilhelm Rose was not killed on the freeway when her hood blew up going 65 miles an hour ..she almost hit a semi but held her head together and got to the side of the road ...Thank God ...That would be horrible to have my daughter die on my birthday ....I love you so Much Mindi... my God I would be lost with out you !!!!!!!!!!

 she is home now and I found out she was in the fast lane passing a semi truck when it happened Yi Yi Yi....Lordy Lordy...What we think happened is the tread came off her tire and somehow flew up and unlatched the hood so not only was it a blow out front tire, but a hood going up as well OMG !!!!

 she told me what was going through her head was "don't freak out and over correct, that's how people end up dying in a lot of accidents"

 and on another note my Dad had his pacemaker stepped up a notch or whatever they call it maybe that will give him a bit more energy he was only getting 50 beats a minute the battery in it was not so good do they turned down his heartbeats to make the battery last longer ughhh pray that he gets some energy from this adjustment he is tired or being tired all the time and this has been si
nce before he had his bi pass operations ....Just been a busy busy day today ...I also went on a field trip with Rylans classroom to where they grow produce for the free food bank......I must say WOW that produce looked yummy, the cherry tomatoes we ate right off the vine were the best I have ever eaten ..The farm is called Raptor farms and its on upper river road at the old Hop factory ...might look into Andrew Rose and I volunteering there next spring out the community and get some good gardening tips at the same time ...they had cantaloupe called tiny bites that grow good in our area and you know they are ripe when they fall off the vines how cool is that ???

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