Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rylan video on the sly at the races

Please watch and comment there he loves seeing his views go up and would be over the moon to have comment besides mine ...he loves to watch you tube videos and so he is making this one for the people he watches he thinks they can see it and well I guess if they knew it was there maybe they would ..its just so cute his little voice and then at the end when he was going to take a picture of Randy and I ohhh it just cracks me up ...he tells people to come see us by the little store...so fun, this kid is so Damn FUN !!!!
>>Rylan at the horse races click here <<

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A busy life LOL

Oh boy I lost my password to my blogger again so hadn't posted for a long while ....Oh gosh so much I need to catch up on cute Rylanisums and party pictures our boy is now 7 years old and life in general ..I print these blogs out so when the kids have kids and grand kids they can know some family history of these years ..one thing Rylan just did the other day that was so cute ...he asked for some seeds to plant in his garden , I gave him some flower seeds and watermelon seeds he looks at me and say's "where are the dandelion seeds, I want to plant dandelions"  Ohhh this kid cracks me up :-) ....
                   My worms are doing great I actually have beautiful worm castings for our garden ..Love Love Love the worms best pets ever ...we also have chickens now 8 of them so Randy is looking forward to our own eggs ...right now we buy them from our neighbor ...