Thursday, January 17, 2013

I called the distric to take Rylan out

out of school I need to have it done within 10 days of him quiting or the truancy officer will be out YIKES that dont look good for first grade and I could get a fine ..They are mailing me the paperwork then I will drive it back to their office the place is about 30 miles away so that why I am having it mailed ..
            I called Rylan school to let them know and Ms Julie was so sad that Rylan wont be there but did understand why I was doing it ..I CANT GET THE KID TO GO I have driven him there more than once and he wont get out of the dang car and I refuse to leave my kid anywhere with tears in his eyes, no way, no how, not ever ...I have my reasons but for now I will just say that I believe a parent should always pay attention to how their child feels about things and should have open eyes and open ears to their feelings ..I will post more about that later, but something came up last month that was concerning my brother Billy from when he was a teen, its a long story and I want to make sure its ok with my mom before I post about it..
            So anyways I hope to get back to blogging regularly I know I keep saying that but one of these days it will actually happen I love having the printed books from my blogs and I love that Rylan will know all these little things and his kids will too...I am hopeful to start working on the family tree again soon I want to sign up for the website but have wanted to get all our bills caught up and slowly but surly its happening after that maybe I will get the house organized LOL ...I painted my kitchen back in november and it looks so pretty its lavendar and yellow and I plan on accenting it with sunflowers yeah took me long enough to figure something to do with those while walls LOL 13 years :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Always listen to your child and trust your gut. One of the reasons we began homeschooling was that Derek and Jake were losing interest in school and learning. The mornings were a big fight because they didn't want to go because they were so bored. The afternoons were horrible because they were in such bad moods from being bored all day. We were lucky they didn't become a discipline problem when they were so bored. Once we began homeschooling everything fell into place.

    As you know, we firmly believe it's the best decision we ever made. Worked out great for us, and I hope you guys will have the same positive experience as we have had. Transitioning to college was seamless for my kids because they were working from syllabus type curriculum since 9th grade. Good luck
