Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Going to be trying some homeschooling

Since Rylans school may be closing down at the end of the year we are looking into diffrent school options one of them is this site here so fare he is having a great time with the Demos I get a free month trial if I post it here then give my honest opinion when the month is over ...

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning. 

 I hope to be making some more current posts soon life has been crazy we lost pwer for 5 days befor Christmas due to a lot of snow it was very yucky Rylan loved it though LOL


  1. Ya'll might want to check out

    I know several families that have been through this program and that are still using it. Of course they are using the Florida one but it looks like there is an Oregon one too. Everyone that I know that's tried it has liked it and stuck with it.

    You are getting snowed in and we are roasting! Our a/c has been on for most of the last two weeks. We have pollen all over the cars. I'm going to start my garden seeds this weekend and transplant them to the garden at the end of Feb. if these temps stay so warm.

  2. Hi Chele ((((( Hugs)))) I will check that out that's one of the sites that they told me about when I called the district about homeschooling ....Can you believe I am doing this !!!! finally ...Rylan just doesn't like school and I dont know why,the kids are nice to him, I go an volunteer and everything and he still just don't want to go... I am thinking that bulling from last year just got him off to a bad start ughh maybe after a few weeks or months of home school he will change his mind and like going to school.. I don't know...One thing is he is a quick learner so hopefully this will work out one way or the other and he will LOVE to learn and it just wont be a burden on him I think I can teach him till at least 3rd grade LOL then I don't know ughh..... So your starting your garden already wow I am so jealous this weather here is so cold I am tired of it... I just hate winter !!!

  3. I have used Time4Learning since I began homeschooling my boys in 2008, we personally love it. The fact that you have the level above and below the one your child is in. Interested to see what your family thinks of it:)

    On a more personal oldest was in 5th grade when I pulled him out of the system. He was bullied and made fun of almost every day, he hated to go and hated anything to do with learning. Now 5 years later he loves learning new things and a bonus is a happy (for the most part,LOL) teenager!

    Best wishes!

  4. LaDawn, look around for a homeschooling co-op in your area. I found this online for you It's a great way to get together with other homeschoolers and do field trips and possibly take fun classes. Our homeschool co-op offered different classes for a cheap price. It would also help you with the transition you are going to go through as well as Rylan.

  5. Just now seeing your comment will go check that site out Thanks
