Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mycotoxin Cleaning plans for me

I plan on going home friday or Saturday and I have already bought shockwave and Concrobium cleaners and now I am not sure if I want to use those, I also have looked into ozone machines ..AND honestly I am not sure I want to use those, my gut is saying use baking soda and lemon with some tea tree oil and wipe down all the walls.

 Urggg there are so many suggestions on what to do what not to do and a person never knows what is going ot be right for them .. with our breathing sinus issues I just worry that maybe less is more in the way of cleaning since our systems have already been so degraded from living with mold for so long I worry anything we do may have a adverse affect ...

 Went out to the house yesterday and it smells weird in there I hope its just  the big sheets of plastic we still have hanging everywhere and when those are gone the smell will go with it .. 

 Andrew and I went to home depot and bought some paint for his bathroom and some mildew mold resistant primer and of course I am worried about using that too ..Good God I just worry over everything ..I just want us to continue to improve..

 I am so very happy that we are going home the beginning of spring and summer I will have months to air out the house and clean with all the windows open and it will be hot and I plan on letting the house cook all summer and just spend more time in the swimming pool , we will see how that plan works when its 110 degrees outside LOL I will be buying a new window A/C just in case the heat is too much ..

 The thing is mycotoxins are hard to get rid of and I have not found and sure fire plan to make them disappear except time lots and lots of time like years and years and I am scared of them as much or more so than toxic black mold ...

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