Tuesday, October 22, 2013


LOL yes I am still around ...I keep thinking i am missing blogging about so much in the past few years ..hopefully Rylan is getting to the age that he will remember the things happening around us these days ...I will say trying to home school and have a time to clean blog paint shop pro is very hard ...Andrew still lives at home as well and I must do activities to keep him engaged in the outside world............ can I just say I am overwhelmed daily, I never feel as if I am caught up and since I find myself feeling this way.......... I probably spend more time doing things that are fun or non productive or just plain ass lazy !!!!!..I look around my house and OMG its such a mess, 'not rat infested mess' like but just cluttered up, as anything could be.......... I KNOW this.......... but I feel unable to get caught up........... it seems to be a tornado ahead of me and behind me ...the only reason I am even making this blog is because I needed to get a password so Rylan can get a monopoly game on my android phone LOL yep this is my life ...hope all is well with whoever is reading this :-)